Anteater x Saucony Originals

Történelmi pillanatoknak lehetünk szemtanúi: az oroszok által birtokolt Anteater márka és a Saucony Originals piacra dob egy 120 párra limitált Jazz O modellt, melyet kizárólag a boltból lehet majd beszerezni. Le vagyunk maradva!

In a historical move from beyond the former Iron Curtain comes this collab from Russian brand Anteater and Saucony Originals. Even as China has blasted to the top of the commercial pryamid, Russia has languished behind which makes this project even more interesting. Not only is it Saucony’s first venture with an indy Russian brand but it marks Anteater’s first foray into footwear. Only 120 pairs of the Jazz 0 will be available at


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